
Gilles Deleuze

We are constructed in memory.

— Gilles Deleuze

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Intuition is neither a feeling, an inspiration nor a disorderly sympathy but a fully developed method.

— Gilles Deleuze

What are your lines? What map are you in the process of making or rearranging? What abstract line will you draw, and at what price, for yourself and for others?

— Gilles Deleuze / Félix Guattari

There is no other aesthetic problem than that of the insertion of art into everyday life. The more our daily life appears standardized, stereotyped and subject to an accelerated reproduction of objects of consumption, the more art must be injected into it in order to extract that little difference which plays simultaneously between other levels of repetition, and even in order to make the two extremes resonate — namely, that habitual series of consumption and the instinctual series of destruction and death.

Gilles Deleuze

Repetition changes nothing in the object perceived, but it does change something in the mind which contemplates it.

Gilles Deleuze

real is rare.

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