
David Lynch

* 20.01.1946 - † 16.01.2025

Death in my mind isn't a finality.

To ignore Christmas takes a special wisdom.

— Charles Bukowski

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A wise man can always be found alone. A weak man can always be found in a crowd.

— Bruce Lee


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The love of lonely people is the most authentic there can be. They love you by choice, not by necessity.

— Charles Bukowski

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In Studio with: On Kawara; 1979

He who does not like loneliness will never get freedom.

— Bertrand Russell


Viele verlieren den Verstand deshalb nicht, weil sie keinen haben.

— Arthur Schopenhauer

Self respect comes with lots of goodbyes.


Back in office.

I can only connect deeply or not at all.

— Anaïs Nin

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Während sich die Welt immer stärker verändert, bleibt Derrick stets der Gleiche. Es gibt keine lineare Erzählweise damals, es gibt keine Überraschungen. Wer einschaltet, weiß, was ihn erwartet.

— Andreas Böhme;

Krimi in Zeitlupe: Derrick ermittelt seit 50 Jahren

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I realised that what I loved wasn't a person, but an image.

— Éric Rohmer

I accept lostness forever.

— Jack Kerouac

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Last days of summer.

real is rare.

weebly reliable statistics