Hoffnung ist nur ein Mangel an Information.

Heiner Müller

With my eyes turned to the past, I walk backwards into the future.

Yohji Yamamoto


You're on earth. There's no cure for that.

Samuel Beckett

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Inwiefern kann Choreographie heute als eine verbreitete gesellschaftliche Praxis gesehen werden? Durch die mediale Repräsentation von "Persönlichkeit" und "Leben" in sozialen Netzwerken [...], aber auch durch das zunehmende Choreographieren von sozialen, architektonischen und politischen Räumen, werden alltägliche Bewegungen und Handlungen zunehmend zum bewussten performativen Akt.

sqq. Bonner Kunstverein


Art is realistic when it strives to express an ethical ideal. Realism is striving for truth, and truth is always beautiful. Here the aesthetic coincides with the ethical.

Andrei Tarkovsky

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Damals hat man auf Moral noch etwas gehalten. Heute lebt man davon.

— Martin von Mühlenbeck

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In knapper, kantiger Sprache beherrscht Schneider seine Figur, und die Figur beherrscht den Film. Martin von Mühlenbeck, von einer undurchsichtigen Bosheit durchdrungen, lässt die Puppen tanzen, er ist das Herz der Handlung und, obwohl nur Nebendarsteller, der Mittelpunkt des Films.

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ikiru ikiru2

He's simply passing time without actually living his life. In other words, he's not really even alive.

— Narrator in Ikiru;
dir. by Akira Kurosawa, 1952

Am Ende der Reise fahren wir in die Unterheydener Straße. Haus u r heute zu betreten ist kühn, da sich selbst der Künstler nicht mehr genau erinnert, wo welcher Raum ist. Als wir hinausgehen, schaltet er den Strom am Hauptschalter aus. Wer weiß schon, ob noch irgendwo eine Lampe brennt?

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People who believe they'll be happy if they go and live somewhere else, learn it doesn't work that way. Wherever you go, you take yourself with you.

Neil Gaiman


Olimpia Carlisi

Le milieu du monde, directed by Alain Tanner in 1974

And sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself, because I could find no language to describe them in.

Jane Austen


Udo Kier | Helge Schneider

Mutters Maske, inszeniert von Christoph Schlingensief in 1987/88

The spaces of memory are wonderfully elastic; like cinema […] they can dilate and take in vast panoramas, or compress the focus to a close-up, a beloved room or a window, when time itself seems to slow down and stand still.

Esther da Costa Meyer


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To feel. To trust the feeling. I long for that.

Ingmar Bergman

Klaus Kinski ist Fitzcarraldo; dir. by Werner Herzog in 1982

Jazz is one of today's most authentically human protests.

Jacques Ellul

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What the public wants is the image of passion, not passion itself.

Roland Barthes


Bjarke Ingels Group | M/S Maritime Museum of Denmark | 2013

Be careful who you make memories with. Those things can last a lifetime.

— Ugo Eze

Persona; dir. by Ingmar Bergman in 1966

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Did you ever say yes to a pleasure? Oh my friends, then you also said yes to all pain. All things are linked, entwined, in love with one another.

Friedrich Nietzsche


Marina Abramović | The Artist Is Present | 2010

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Was haben Sie da gedacht, wenn Sie das gelesen haben, dass da jemand sagt, das ist ein Campendonk wie er leibt und lebt und noch einer der Schönsten?

Ja, da hat er doch recht.

Wolfgang Beltracchi

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E - RZ 1

He held her hand. Happiness is this, he thought.

Virginia Woolf

He [Andrei Tarkovsky] had a rare, enormous gift on concentration. That he had done so much, and, most importantly, how he done it, was due to the ability of his to concentrate, which is very rare. In art, in general, concentration is a very serious thing. A true concentration. When your comprehension is very deep. A very few people can do it, only great artists.

Eduard Artemyev

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There's beauty to be found in a Proton-Antiproton Annihilation ...

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She is an idol, a servant, the source of life, a power of darkness; she is the elemental silence of truth, she is artifice, gossip, and falsehood; she is healing presence and sorceress; she is man's prey, his downfall, she is everything that he is not and that he longs for, his negation and his raison d'être.

Simone de Beauvoir

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Sátántangó, directed by Béla Tarr in 1994

real is rare.

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