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Robert Hartmann | Essen zu durchqueren ... | 1983

Meinen Sie, ich würde das Wall Street Journal ausstellen, wenn das nicht gekauft würde? Wall Street Journal wird hier in Bredeney gekauft. Es werden noch ganz andere Zeitungen in Bredeney gekauft und das ist so schlimm, wenn ich die Zeitung nicht habe, schicken die Kunden ihre Fahrer nach Düsseldorf zum Flugplatz um die guten Zeitschriften da zu kaufen.

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Memory is the fourth dimension to any landscape.

— Janet Fitch

All forms of landscape are autobiographical.

— Charles Wright


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Cinema is humble, aggressive, sincere. Good cinema is the one who gives blows, not which itself up.

— Andrzej Żuławski

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Haus Beitz; Essen-Bredeney

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It passes, but it does not pass away.

— László Krasznahorkai

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Biegen der Stahlplatten bei Pickhan Umformtechnik, 2003

Richard Serra | Dirk's Pod | 2003/04

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Going into a room and drifting out of a room because there was no real purpose in going in, nor any more purpose in going back out again. That was the drift. The drift was everything that you did without having a reason. But where was a reason for anything at all?

— Tennessee Williams

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My darling, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage.

— Alice Hoffman


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People loved you in the way they knew how — and often it was not the way you knew. Or needed.

— Josh Lanyon


John Knight | A work in situ; Detail | 2015

Hüte Dich vor dem Durchschnittsmann, vor der Durchschnittsfrau. Hüte Dich vor ihrer Liebe. Ihre Liebe ist Durchschnitt, sucht Durchschnitt. Aber da ist Genialität in ihrem Hass. Und ihr Hass wird vollkommen sein; ihre schönste Kunst.

— Charles Bukowski


You're breast men? I don't understand you. Legs are the only thing.

— Charles Bukowski

The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore.

― Rumi

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Horst Tappert | Ralf Schermuly

Derrick, Das leere Zimmer; inszeniert von Horst Tappert, 1996

[Es fällt Ihnen schwer, dieses Zimmer zu ertragen. — Stephan Derrick] Ich glaube, da irren Sie sich. Ich bin sehr gern in diesem Zimmer.

— Karl Luserke

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Herzstück der Ausstellung ist ein Nachbau der "Lichtburg" — jenes legendären Proberaums in einem alten Wuppertaler Kino, in dem Pina Bausch den größten Teil ihrer Stücke gemeinsam mit ihren Tänzerinnen und Tänzern entwickelt hat. Fremden wird nur selten Zutritt zu diesem intimen Raum gewährt. In der Bundeskunsthalle aber wird er zum Raum der Begegnung mit Mitgliedern des Tanztheaters, die den Besuchern Bewegungs- qualitäten und kleine Bewegungssequenzen vermitteln; Performances, Tanz-Workshops, öffentliche Proben, Gespräche, Filme und mehr lassen ihn zum lebendigen Erfahrungsraum werden.

Pina Bausch und das Tanztheater;
Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, 04.03. - 24.07.2016

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Runway bonded washed felt trouser; nougat.

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But you are not alone, because if you have ever really loved her happy and untragic, she loves you always, no matter whom she loves nor where she goes she loves you more.

— Ernest Hemingway

Never waste your time trying to explain who you are to people who are committed to misunderstanding you.

— Dream Hampton


What we know of other people is only our memory of the moments during which we knew them.

— T. S. Eliot


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Finding your passion isn't just about careers and money. It's about finding your authentic self. The one you've buried beneath other people's needs.

— Kristin Hannah


Mintropstr. 16; DIN-Atmosphäre

Playgirl, why are you sleeping in tomorrow's world?

— Ladytron

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Lose your mind and come to your senses ...

Don't worry about cool, make your own uncool.

— Sol LeWitt

Artists have to be willing to go out there, deep into reality, in order to bring the thing back whole.

— Lawrence Weschler

Gregor Schneider at AA School of Architecture, London.

Vervoorts & Schindler | Museum unter Tage | 2015

Bochum; revisited.

Nichts ist wie es war.

— Situation Kunst

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Sometimes you can only feel something by its absence. By the empty spaces it leaves behind.

— Gayle Forman


Bea Last | Sophism | 2015

The wounded recognized the wounded.

— Nora Roberts


Stalker, dir. by Andrei Tarkovsky in 1979

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I'm only interested in people engaged in a project of self-transformation.

— Susan Sontag


Some hearts understand each other, even in silence.

— Yasmin Mogahed


Gregor Schneider | Fotografien | 2011

Everyone needs a place. It shouldn't be inside of someone else.

— Richard Siken


[Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen]

Man starts over again everyday, in spite of all he knows, against all he knows.

— E. M. Cioran


The aesthetic moment is contemplative, uncritical, blessed.

— Umberto Eco


Richard Serra | O.I.C. | 1999/2012

But the landscape of devastation is still a landscape. There is beauty in ruins.

— Susan Sontag

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Because she competes with no one, no one can compete with her.

— Lao Tzu


Bas Jan Ader | Thoughts unsaid, then forgotten | 1973

We need people in our lives with whom we can be as open as possible. To have real conversations with people may seem like such a simple, obvious suggestion, but it involves courage and risk.

— Thomas Moore

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Horst Tappert | Wolf Roth

Derrick, Ein Mord, zweiter Teil; inszeniert von Alfred Weidenmann, 1995

Sie haben sich da eine Welt zurechtgelegt, die zu Ihnen passt. Aber die Welt ist nicht immer so wie wir sie sehen. Und wir selbst, wir sind auch nicht immer so wie wir uns sehen. Na ja, ich nehme an, Sie werden nicht darüber nachdenken. [Da haben Sie Recht. — Rudolf Kollau]

— Stephan Derrick

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To live this life is more an indirect remembering than a direct living.

― Clarice Lispector


I have a tendency to become infatuated with people who are distant and difficult to understand, who share themselves sparingly, and rarely with their whole hearts. I adore the mysteries and enigmas of people. The harder to solve, the better.

— Beau Taplin


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She had all this inside her but she kept it quiet.

― Sidney Beckett


Before I organise myself, I must disorganize myself internally.

― Clarice Lispector


She did not want, then or ever, to entertain; she wanted to move people, to establish with them some communion of emotion.

― Joan Didion


Andrea Branzi; Trees

Silence usually taught him more than the company of others.

— Frédéric Gros

To be lost is only a failure of memory.

― Margaret Atwood


The greatness of man lies in his decision to be stronger than his condition.

— Albert Camus

real is rare.

weebly reliable statistics