Human relationships were strange. I mean, you were with one person a while, eating and sleeping and living with them, loving them, talking to them, going places together, and then it stopped. Then there was a short period when you weren't with anybody, then another woman arrived, and you ate with her and fucked her, and it all seemed so normal, as if you had been waiting just for her and she had been waiting for you. I never felt right being alone; sometimes it felt good but it never felt right.

— Charles Bukowski

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Der Tod ist süß. Er ist der Punkt am Ende eines Satzes. Da gibt es nichts, wovor man Angst haben müsste. Ich glaube nicht an Gott. Was auch immer nach meinem Tod passiert, ich habe keine Angst. Ich hatte ein so hartes Leben, ich bin sehr müde. Wenn ich sterbe, beginnt einfach das nächste Kapitel.

— Charles Bukowski

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We only have ourselves to go on, and it's enough.

— Charles Bukowski

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The less I needed, the better I felt.

— Charles Bukowski

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You'll see, someday they'll say: Bukowski knew.

People diminish me; the longer I sit and listen to them the more empty I feel, but I don't get the idea that they feel empty, I feel that they enjoy the sound from their own mouths.

— Charles Bukowski

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Style is the answer to everything.

— Charles Bukowski

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real is rare.

weebly reliable statistics