
Gregor Schneider | Müllsack in Wichsecke | 2000

Art and love are the same thing: It's the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you.

— Chuck Klosterman


Gregor Schneider

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The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.

— Elisabeth Kübler-Ross


Richard Serra | East-West / West-East | 2014

What a disaster if a woman loved you because you deserved it.

— Giorgio Agamben

As time goes on, you'll understand. What lasts, lasts; what doesn't, doesn't. Time solves most things. And what time can't solve, you have to solve yourself.

— Haruki Murakami


Le Tour de France á Dazzledorf ...

Passion surprises. One doesn't search it. It can happen to you tomorrow.

— Isabelle Adjani

The high luxury of not having to explain.

— Virginia Woolf


Marc Wilson | Upper Normandy | 2012

The things that we love tell us what we are.

― Thomas Aquinas

We are simply a part of the machinery of the moment.

— Charles Bukowski

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Krister Henriksson; Wallander, Sorgfågeln, 2013

We're more likely to trust those who genuinely
express their weaknesses or vulnerabilities ...

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Reinhard Krause | Am Ruhrschnellweg | 1984 / 1988

Ich habe damals in den achtziger Jahren das Ruhrgebiet als faszinierenden Kulturraum erlebt, den Strukturwandel und die vielen damit verbundenen Ungereimtheiten empfand ich eher als Chance denn als Hemmnis. Meine Fotos sind sehr subjektiv, aber sie sind keine Abrechnung, sondern eher eine Liebeserklärung.

Reinhard Krause

sqq. Die 80er im Ruhrgebiet

And if one has only one good memory left in one's heart, even that may sometime be the means of saving us.

— Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Persona, dir. by Ingmar Bergman in 1966

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Nähme man den Leuten ihren schlechten Geschmack weg, würde man viele ihrer Identität berauben.

— Goedart Palm


You keep me safe and I'll keep you wild ...

May you take time to celebrate the quiet miracles that seek no attention.

— John O'Donohue


I have tried to put some poetic imagination into it, though not in order to create poetic architecture but to make a certain kind of architecture that could emanate a sense of formal poetry.

— Carlo Scarpa


Some memories refuse to be locked in time or place, they are always present.

— Nathan Filer

Tatyana Samoylova

Letter Never Sent, dir. by Mikhail Kalatozov in 1959

[...] Regardless, Letter Never Sent is a film that stalwart cineastes—particularly those who love the perpetual surprises of vertiginous camera work—will likely always feel immensely drawn to. It is a master class of sorts, one that lays bare the building blocks of a dazzling style that remains unsurpassed in the history of cinematic art.

— Dina Iordanova

Really, my dear. Nothing's easy.

— Jack Kerouac


Ricci Albenda | Panning Annex | 2007

Nobody can save you but yourself. You will be put again and again into nearly impossible situations. They will attempt again and again to make you submit, quit and/or die quietly inside and it will be easy enough to fail but don't, don't, don't. Just watch them. Listen to them. Do you want to be like that? A faceless, mindless, heartless being? Do you want to experience death before death? Nobody can save you but yourself and you're worth saving. It's a war not easily won but if anything is worth winning then this is it. Think about it. Think about saving yourself.

— Charles Bukowski

The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.

— William Morris


Never explain what you do. It speaks for itself. You only muddle it by talking about it.

— Shel Silverstein


Gregor Schneider

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Es ist keine Kunst, ein Mädchen zu verführen, aber ein Glück, eines zu finden, das es wert ist, verführt zu werden.

— Søren Kierkegaard


There's beauty to be found in Particle Physics ...

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Simple pleasures are the last refuge of the complex.

— Oscar Wilde


People talk loud and long, in order to say as little as possible. The really true and interesting things are the intrigues in the background, about which not a word is mentioned.

— Franz Kafka

I would like my work to be non-work. This means that it would find its way beyond my preconceptions.

— Eva Hesse

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Art is made by the alone for the alone.

— Luis Barragàn


I only achieve simplicity with enormous effort.

— Clarice Lispector

Worldstar; Dokumentation von Nataša von Koop

Das Museum Folkwang zeigt im Rahmen der Gruppenausstellung "Im Schatten der Avantgarde" Werke des Tschechen Miroslav Tichý. Mit selbst gebastelten Kameras aus einfachsten Materialien wie Brillengläsern, Konservendosen und Pappe, zog er jahrzehntelange durch die Stadt Kyjov und fotografierte Frauen in unbeobachteten Momenten. Die verschwommenen und verwaschenen Fotografien entwickelte er selbst, auf ihnen finden sich so gut wie immer Bromflecken und Fingerabdrücke. Nach Tichýs Meinung ist genau diese Imperfektion Teil seiner Kunst. Die Fotografien klebte er zudem häufig auf Papier oder Karton. Einzelne Partien der Fotografien, die er betonen wollte, zeichnete er nach und verstärkte so die gewünschte Bildwirkung. Nachdem Harald Szeemann 2004 Tichýs Fotos auf der Sevilla Biennale zeigte, folgten weltweit weitere Ausstellungen ― über die sich Tichý, wie auch über seinen späten Ruhm, wiederholt ablehnend äußerte.

Miroslav Tichý; Der Schatten der Avantgarde,
Museum Folkwang, 02.10.2015 - 10.01.2016

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Ich kann Sie gar nicht so beleidigen, wie Sie mir auf den Wecker gegangen sind. Das ist ganz unmöglich. Weil, es hat Sie ja gar keiner gefragt. Was wollen Sie überhaupt?

— Klaus Kinski

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Mikko Kuorinki | Wall Piece with 200 Letters (Kiasma) | 2010/11

Quote by David Foster Wallace

Nothing is absolute. Everything changes, everything moves, everything revolves, everything flies and goes away.

— Frida Kahlo

I am attracted by unconventionality.

— Anaïs Nin

In that sense "The Sacrifice" is, amongst other things, a repudiation of commercial cinema. My film is not intended to support or refute particular ideas, or to make a case for this or that way of life. What I wanted was to pose questions and demonstrate problems that go to the very heart of our lives, and thus to bring the audience back to the dormant, parched sources of our existence. Pictures, visual images, are far better able to achieve that end than any words, particularly now, when the word has lost all mystery and magic and speech has become mere chatter, empty of meaning, as Alexander observes. We are being stifled by a surfeit of information, yet at the same time our feelings remain untouched by the supremely important messages that could change our lives.

— Andrei Tarkovsky

And what's the use of talking, if you already know that others don't feel what you feel?

― Louise Bourgeois


Richard Serra | Circuit [Detail] | 1972/1989/2014

Bochum; revisited.

The language of touch is a language in itself. Touch is also subtle and distinctive and holds within itself great refinement of memory.

― John O'Donohue

Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.

― Markus Zusak


13 Fragments & 3 Narratives from Life; dir. by Jon Jost in 1968

Touch has a memory.

― John Keats

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Tatort Essen, Das Mädchen von gegenüber; inszeniert von Hajo Gies, 1977

Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.

— Pema Chodron


Gundremmingen KRB A, B und C

Wandteller stehen für Heimat, Idylle, Nostalgie, für Windmühlen in Delfter Blau. Was Windmühlen früher waren, sind Atomkraftwerke heute: Energiebauwerke. Ihre ikonenhaften Silhouetten prägen die Landschaft und damit unser Heimatbild. Als Kathedralen einer technologischen Weltanschauung versprachen sie Unabhängigkeit und unendliches Wachstum. Sie sind Zeugnis ihrer Epoche, Relikte des Fortschritts und Zeichen einer Zeitenwende. Die Tage der Windmühlen sind längst vergangen und nun neigt sich die Dämmerung über die Ära der deutschen Atomkraft. Höchste Zeit also, Atomkraft- werke als das zu zeigen, was sie sind: Denkmäler des Irrtums - Hoffnung von Gestern - Folklore von Morgen.


Those who escape hell, however, never talk about it. And nothing much bothers them after that.

— Charles Bukowski

Eine Bande von Idioten. [...] Ich bin 45 Jahre alt und von einer Analphabetin muss ich mir so einen Quatsch erzählen lassen.

— Klaus Kinski

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Our fragments made us.

— Margaret Atwood


Andrei Rublev, dir. by Andrei Tarkovsky in 1966

By being too sensitive I have wasted my life.

— Arthur Rimbaud


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The more opinions you have, the less you see.

— Wim Wenders

We don't even ask for happiness, just a little less pain.

— Charles Bukowski

real is rare.

weebly reliable statistics