Bruno Ganz | Peter Falk

Der Himmel über Berlin, dir. by Wim Wenders in 1987

Sometimes I feel like a caretaker of a museum — a huge, empty museum where no one ever comes, and I'm watching over it for no one but myself.

— Haruki Murakami


Kinemathek; Sonntagsfilme.

Bonus: En Gasfilm, 1971

/// You and me and never us.

A complicated series
of almost interactions.


Watch me go ballistic, suckers ...

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It will strike if you let it. It will strike if you understand and accept that it may come from the most unexpected of places.

— Franz Kafka

That's badass sounding ...

I am rarely bored alone; I am often bored in groups and crowds.

— Laurie Helgoe


The Devil Probably, dir. by Robert Bresson in 1977

She was desperate and she was choosey at the same time and, in a way, beautiful, but she didn't have quite enough going for her to become what she imagined herself to be.

— Charles Bukowski

We understand absolutely nothing about modern civilization, if we do not admit at first that it is a universal conspiracy against all interior life.

— Georges Bernanos


Natalia Shaposhnikova, 1979

sqq. мастер спорта

There are worlds in you, and I have fallen in love with every one.

— Beau Taplin


Douglas Gordon | As close as you can for as long as it lasts | 2017

Art never responds to the wish to make it democratic; it is not for everybody; it is only for those who are willing to undergo the effort needed to understand it.

— Flannery O'Connor


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Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.

— Albert Einstein

Maria Schell | Hansjörg Felmy

Tatort Essen, Die Abrechnung; inszeniert von Wolfgang Becker, 1975

Sie? Was wollen Sie denn noch von mir? [Sie haben mich gerufen. — Heinz Haferkamp] Ich? Sicher nicht.

— Evelyn Stürznickel

We've died so many times now, that we can only wonder why we still care.

— Charles Bukowski

We are created by being destroyed.

— Charles Wright


Ride as much or as little, or as long
or as short as you feel. But ride.

— Eddy Merckx

Freedom always exists. You only have to pay the price.

— Henry de Montherlant

Landscapes are the places where different temporalities and memories intersect.

— Adrian M. Chadwick

Er brachte seine schwere Kanonenbatterie bis ans Wolga-Ufer: Der heutige Jurist Dr. Wigand Wüster, damals 22-jähriger Oberleutnant und Batteriechef. Kurz bevor die 6. Armee in Stalingrad von den Russen eingeschlossen wurde, ging er in Urlaub. Er ließ sich dann zu seiner Truppe einfliegen. So kämpfte er bis zum letzten Tage im Jahr 1943, dem bitteren Ende der 6. Armee. Danach ging er in die langjährige Gefangenschaft in Russland.

Spannend und informativ;


They're so electric in Dazzledorf ...

/// Zweifel an allem, aber nie an mir.

Das Ungewöhnliche ist, dass ich nicht nur der größte Fan der eigenen Arbeit bin, sondern diese Räume auch lagere und sammle und auch ein Raumarchiv habe.

― Gregor Schneider

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An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break.

— Chinese Proverb

Horst Tappert | Hannes Messemer

Derrick, Die Entscheidung; inszeniert von Theodor Grädler, 1980

Ich habe Stunden davor verbracht. [...] Es war für mich wie ein Loch in der Wand, durch das ich hindurch schauen konnte. Ins Freie.

— Ulrich Hauff

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[Wenn Sie mal den Kosmos mir beschreiben. Es kommen [...] in Ihren [...] Bildern immer wieder Sterne [vor]. Die sind immer bei Ihnen mit Sternbildern auch verknüpft. Sie sind also nie ohne Deutung. Eine Kartierung durch Menschen, die das in den Kosmos hineingesehen haben. — Alexander Kluge] [...] Es ist nicht so sehr eine Deutung, es ist eine Hilfskonstruktion. Es ist eine Illusion, es ist ansich etwas völlig irrelevantes, diese Sternbilder, die könnten ja auch anders sein [...] Es kann alles sein [...]. Es sind nur Zeichen für unsere Armseligkeit eigentlich. Wir versuchen in diesen Kosmos, der unendlich ist, eine gewisse Ordnung zu bringen. Und das ist völlig unmöglich. [Der gehorcht uns nicht. — Alexander Kluge] Der lässt sich auch nicht ordnen. Der lässt sich auch nicht geordnet anschauen. Nichtmal das. Wir versuchen das, wir bringen das hinein. Es gibt so ein Buch von Saul Bellow [...] und da sagt er einmal [...]: Spanne Deine Qualen an einen Stern. [...] Und das ist genau das, was ich meine: Das man seine Katastrophen, seine Qualen einem Stern anvertraut. Völlig illusorisch. [Aber trostreich. — Alexander Kluge] Ich habe es probiert, es funktioniert. Wenn man jetzt sagt, man sucht sich einen Stern aus, da oben, man sucht sich einen aus, für einen, dann ist das gar kein Stern, dann ist das eine Galaxie [...].

— Anselm Kiefer; im Gespräch mit Alexander Kluge

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/// How you make others feel about
themselves, says a lot about you.


Street in the dying village at the Garzweiler brown coal mining site.

Gregor Schneider, Kindergarten;
MUAC, Mexico, 11.02.2017 - 23.07.2017

/// Wander alone. This way you will find yourself
attracted to locations your soul needs to go.

If you see beauty in something, don't wait for others to agree.

— Sherihan Gamal


DGT Architects | Estonian National Museum | 2016

[All you need is less.]

To be scrupulous. Reject everything about the real that does not become true. (The dreadful reality of the false.)

— Robert Bresson

From Laibach; with love ...

Once, I saw a bee drown in honey, and I understood.

— Nikos Kazantzakis


/// Keep in touch.

Don't play what's there, play what's not there.

— Miles Davis

Voyage in Time; dir. by Tonino Guerra, 1983

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Don't trust anyone, who doesn't like Andrei Tarkovsky.


Galopprennbahn, Gelsenkirchen-Horst, 1910-2003

So much of the city is our bodies. Places in us old light still slants through to. Places that no longer exist but are full of feeling, like phantom limbs. Even the city carries ruins in its heart. Longs to be touched in places only it remembers.

— Anne Michaels


Most of the idiots I know are academics.

— Slavoj Žižek

You have to watch this film simply, and listen to the music of Bach and the poems of Arseny Tarkovsky; watch it as one watches the stars, or the sea, as one admires a landscape. There is no mathematical logic here, for it cannot explain what man is or what is the meaning of his life.

— Andrei Tarkovsky

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I don't want just words. If that's all you have for me, you'd better go.

— F. Scott Fitzgerald


Frans Zwartjes | The Holy Familiy | 1973/2013

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It's not "natural" to speak well, eloquently, in an interesting articulate way. People living in groups, families, communes say little, have few verbal means. Eloquence–thinking in words is a byproduct of solitude, deracination, a heightened painful individuality.

— Susan Sontag

Heimat. The word mean home in German, the place where one was born. But the term also conveys a subtler nuance, a certain tenderness. One's Heimat is not merely a matter of geography; it is where one's heart lies.

― Jenna Blum

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Gregor Schneider | Liebeslaube u r 19 A | 1995

[Detail, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, 2016/17]

Wenn Du an mich denkst, erinnere Dich an die Stunde, in welcher Du mich am liebsten hattest.

— Rainer Maria Rilke

Stalker; dir. by Andrei Tarkovsky in 1979

And those places are gone too [...]. It was some terrific nostalgia then.

— Alexander Knyazhinsky

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If people misunderstand you, do not worry. It is your voice that they hear, but what goes through their mind is their own thoughts.

— Rumi

real is rare.

weebly reliable statistics