Nature doesn't really care about your beliefs.

— Richard Feynman

Damaged people always find each other, the attraction is irresistible.

— Michael Boiano

Ich kann mit den ganzen Worten nichts anfangen. Ich weiß auch gar nicht, was ich darauf antworten soll.

— Klaus Kinski

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The more simple we are, the more complete we become.

— Auguste Rodin

I made landscapes out of what I feel.

— Fernando Pessoa


Ballet Master of the Opéra de Paris and his students, Paris.

Ph. by Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1930

She was fragile, gentle, wide awake in a sleeping world.

— Jeanette Winterson

Just move, you'll discover. The strength you don't know.

— Susan Sontag

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She lives in dreams, alone.

— Virginia Woolf

Those who really love, love in silence, with deeds and not in words.

— Carlos Ruiz Zafón

[Heavy rotation.]

Man is sometimes extraordinarily, passionately, in love with suffering.

— Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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I find some comfort in things that aren't easy to define.

— Chelsea Wolfe

Aral-Pokal, Galopprennbahn, Gelsenkirchen-Horst, 1976

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Do not be bewildered by the surfaces; in the depths all becomes law.

— Rainer Maria Rilke

There are things you can't get anywhere, but we dream they can be found in other people.

— David Lynch


/// All the answers are within you.

The sea is a mirror, not only to the clouds, the sun, the moon, and the stars, but to all one’s dreams, to all one's speculations. The sea tells us that everything is changing and that nothing ever changes, that tides go out and return, that all existence is a rhythm, only hastens or holds it back for a moment.

— Arthur Symons

Marcello Mastroianni

; dir. by Federico Fellini in 1963

Ours are untidy souls. Both are covered with scars.

— Marina Tsvetaeva

My poetry does not exist to answer, but rather to continue asking.

— Emily Jungmin Yoon

[Heavy rotation.]

A love like that was a serious illness, an illness from which you never entirely recover.

— Charles Bukowski

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I look for the one I love with my soul.

— Hélène Cixous

Horst Tappert | Hans Korte

Derrick, Gangster haben andere Spielregeln;
inszeniert von Hans Vohrer, 1984

Meine Frau und ich leben ganz offenbar in verschiedenen Welten. Aber das ist ja nicht unbedingt was Seltenes. [Und in was für einer Welt lebt Ihre Frau? — Stephan Derrick] Weiß der Teufel. In der Welt meiner Frau kenne ich mich nicht aus.

— Prof. Balthaus

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I feel very strongly that I’m surrounded by other realities.

— Ingmar Bergman

All noble things are as difficult as they are rare.

— Spinoza



* 13.06.1935 - † 31.05.2020

The skies are changing their stars, farewell to you.

— Gottfried Benn

Most of the really important people in our lives have either been the question or the answer. Only the rarest were both.

— Jonathan Carroll


Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.

— Frank Herbert

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.

— C. G. Jung

Ich sehe mich als Arbeiter.

You get so alone at times that it just makes sense.

— Charles Bukowski

sqq. *

/// All of your tomorrows are a dream I never had.


Florian Schneider

* 07.04.1947 - † 30.04.2020

Es wird immer weitergehen,
Musik als Träger von Ideen.

Life is a lot more fragile than we think. So you should treat others in a way that leaves no regrets. Fairly, and if possible, sincerely.

— Haruki Murakami

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He longed for a love that wouldn't become memory.

— Greg Sellers

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I am yours, today as always.

— Franz Kafka

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To love you is a brave thing.

— Gabriela Mistral


Homeoffice; Standort Pullach.

PRIMETIME Spätausgabe
Der Katastrophenschützer

Was tun, wenn eine Pandemie ausbricht? Mit großer Sicherheit stehen Impfstoffe zunächst zu wenig und zu spät zur Verfügung. Der rechtzeitigen Tötung z.B. infizierter Tiere, die die Seuche übertragen, sind technische Grenzen gesetzt. Das gleiche gilt für die Quarantäne von Menschen. Alles das sind Szenarien, die den Planungen des vorbeugenden Katastrophenschützers zugrunde liegen.

Katastrophenschützer Dr. Max Hirte (Peter Berling) berichtet.

Spannend und informativ.

real is rare.

weebly reliable statistics